Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Lilly! (part 1)

Hard to believe that a year has passed since Lilly was born.  And what a year it has been!  Greg and I are just so in love with our little girl.  She is just the best thing ever!!  We celebrated her birthday with several parties and events :)  Here are photos from her actual birthday ~ Friday, May 4...

 Birthday candle in her waffle didn't go over so well...
 not sure what to think about this!
 hmm, interesting...
(you can see her rash pretty well in a few of these photos... poor girl got some lovely viral illness the week of her birthday with fever and a full body rash.  she was a trooper but unfortunately we had to postpone her party because of it...)
 Lilly in her birthday outfit!!  And with her toy Lemonade set to go with her party theme :)
 Cutie :)

 Didi (Greg's mom) came over with a gift for Lilly.  :)  And took us out to a birthday lunch with friends!
 Noah and Lilly are too distracted by laughing at each other to look at the camera :)
 so cute together!
 me and my birthday girl :)
with Didi at the restaurant

Greg and I took Lilly out to a local Italian restaurant for her birthday dinner, but didn't take any photos. I can't believe my girl is ONE already!  What a joy and a blessing she is.

(many more photos to come from her various birthday celebrations!)


  1. Oh, she is ONE! What an amazing milestone for you guys and for her.

  2. Precious girl! She's beautiful--such a gift!
